Friday, August 21, 2009

5 Months...Almost

Today Robert and I went for his 4month check-up and 4month shots. He is almost 5 months (on the 25th)- time is f-l-y-i-n-g. He is rolling over (both sides), shrieking, laughing, smiling, not sleeping much, playing, chewing on everything, pulling his feet, following Macy with his eyes, pulling himself up on his bouncy and eating between 5-6oz (he ate 8oz last night before bed!!). He loves our Pediatrician, so trips there are usually fun. He showed off for all of the nurses and smiled the whole visit until he had his shots- then he showed off his lungs. He took a short nap on the way home and then (as usual) opened his eyes the moment we closed the garage door behind us. He weighs 16lbs 12oz, is 26 inches and has a head circumference of 17.75 (only 5% of kids his age have a bigger head!) I took this picture right before we left:
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