Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Thursday R was home with a Stomach bug, Friday Macy was sick, Saturday we had a short, but enjoyable reprieve and then Sunday Morning it all hit the fan. Little Robert woke with a 103 fever and we spent the day giving him baths, Tylenol, Advil and liquids. Needless to say he was absent from trick or treating. We did however disqualify ourselves from any Parent of the year awards by letting him pass out candy (His hands were washed and clean). He loved every minute of it. Whenever he would run out of candy to giveaway he would throw his hands up and open and close them, ready for more!

We were at the Dr. first thing this morning and turns out he has two ear infections. You wouldn't have ANY idea by the way he acts.

His Puppy costume didn't quite go with his fever so we went for something a little cooler. A train conductor costume came in handy:

It borders on "Boy Dress" but it was OK for 5 minutes and he will grow into it!


Earlier last week this came:

It looks like this out of the package (Photo from Pottery Barn):

When it is hung I will have another photo. Robert is now loving to eat cheese and noodles:

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